Gospel of John


To listen to the Gospel of John series, click any of the past messages below:

Sunday, January 6th
The Great Denial (John 18:12-18; 25-27)
In this message we studied the greatest failure of Peter’s life – his three denials of Jesus Christ. In a similar manner, the vast majority of American Christians are also guilty of denying Jesus in a way that is more subtle but just as dangerous – we worship an American Jesus rather than the Jesus of the Bible.

Sunday, December 16th
Put Away Your Sword (John 18:1-11)
In this message we begin studying the darkest day in history – the day that Jesus is betrayed by Judas, abandoned by His disciples, denied by Peter, and then crucified naked for all the world to mock. In John 18:1-11, we learn to avoid the way of Judas and the way of Peter and instead embrace the way of Jesus.

Sunday, December 2nd
Unity, Glory, and Revelation (John 17:20-26)
Up to this point in Jesus’ prayer, he has been praying for his disciples in the first century. Beginning in verse 20, Jesus shifts his focus to praying for all those who will come to believe in Him throughout history. He prays for our present unity, future glory, and continued revelation.

Sunday, November 25th
Real Discipleship (John 17:6-19)
As Jesus is praying for his disciples, we learn that real & authentic discipleship is Word-Centered, Jesus-Sustaining, and Mission-Focused. In this message, we unpack each of these elements and explain how it applies to our lives today.

Sunday, November 18th
The Basis for Unity (John 17:1-5)
True unity is found in a biblical understanding of who Jesus is. In the beginning of his famous “High Priestly Prayer” in John 17, Jesus begins with four descriptions of who He is. Jesus is God; Jesus is King of All; Jesus is the Source of Life; and Jesus has Finished Salvation. In this message, we talk about the practical implications of these concepts for our lives today.

Sunday, November 4th
Living the Resurrection (John 16:16-24)
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a historical event and a present reality. A life of following Jesus means understanding how to LIVE the Resurrection in our every day lives. In this message, we seek to understand the specifics of how the Resurrection changes everything about our lives.

Sunday, October 21st
Three Reasons NOT To Follow Jesus (John 15:18-16:4)
Jesus was horrible at marketing Himself – to say the least. Unlike many salesmen, Jesus emphasized the negatives of following Him over the positives. He did this because He was interested in making disciples; not religious consumers. In this message, we learn how to count the cost when it comes to following Jesus.

Sunday, October 14th
Love One Another (John 15:9-17)
Jesus gives his disciples a simple yet impossible command: love one another. How can we possibly love the people who hurt us? betray us? abandon us? gossip about us? The truth is, we cannot give what we ourselves do not have. Listen to the message to understand what Jesus is talking about!

Sunday, October 7th
True Discipleship (John 15:1-8)
Jesus teaches what it means to be his disciple by referring to Himself as the vine and His followers as the branches. What exactly is Jesus talking about? How do we got about “bearing fruit” in our faith journey?

Sunday, September 30th
The Power of Prayer (John 14:12-17)
Jesus makes the remarkable claim that His followers will do even “greater” works than Him when we labor in prayer. Is this even possible? How can we pray in such a way that our prayers display the power of God?

Sunday, September 23rd
Is Hope Possible? (John 14:1-11)
When everything seems to be falling apart in our lives & world, is hope even possible? Right before Jesus is betrayed, arrested, tortured, and crucified, he commands his disciples to not let their hearts be troubled. How does this apply to our lives today?

Sunday, September 9th
The Scandal of the Cross (John 13:1-30)
Jesus assumes the position of the lowest of slaves by washing the feet of his disciples. We often believe the foot washing is simply a picture of servant-leadership. Jesus washing the feet of his disciples is far more profound and significant – it points us to the scandal of the cross.

Sunday, September 2nd
The Root of Unbelief (John 12:37-50)
We often assume that people’s unbelief is due to lack of evidence. This causes us to try to “argue” people into the Kingdom of God. Unbelief is far deeper than we realize and in order to truly make disciples, we need to understand the real root of unbelief.

Sunday, August 26th
Death and Glory (John 12:20-36)
Jesus proclaims to the crowd that now is the time for Him to be glorified. In the minds of many gathered in the first century, this would have meant it was time for Jesus to overthrow the Roman Government and set up a theocracy on earth. Jesus explains that his glory will be the result of his death. In this message, we wrestle with the implications this has for our lives today.

Sunday, August 19th
True Worship (John 12:12-19)
What is commonly known as “Palm Sunday” shows us four characteristics of true worship. These should be evident and growing in maturity in the life of every person who claims to be a Christian. In this message, Pastor Tyler teaches verse-by-verse through this passage and explains how it applies to our lives today.

Sunday, July 29th
The Grave Robber (John 11:38-44)
In this message, we learn how the raising of Lazarus applies to our lives today. The truth is Jesus does not make bad people good, or good people better – he makes dead people live by the command of His voice.

Sunday, July 22nd
Abandoned by God (John 11:1-37)
We all go through seasons where God seems distant – almost as if He has abandoned us. In John 11:1-37, we are introduced to three of Jesus’ closest friends: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Lazarus is on the verge of death so Mary & Martha send a message to Jesus to come heal his friend. On hearing this message, Jesus intentionally stays away and allows Lazarus to die. How should we respond when it seems as if God has abandoned us?

Sunday, July 1st 
Authentic Christianity (John 10:22-42)
The Festival of Dedication was a time for the Jewish people to examine themselves to see if they were truly following God. It is during this festival that Jesus gives us the identifying marks of the people of God. In this message we learn what these marks are and how we can follow Jesus more closely in every area of our lives.

Sunday, June 24th
The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-21)
The Bible describes all of us as sheep in the midst of a dangerous wilderness. In order for us to survive, we must stay close to our Shepherd – the Lord Jesus Christ. In this message we learn what this means for our lives today.

Sunday, June 10th
Jesus Is The Gate (John 10:1-10)
Jesus uses a figure of speech to clarify what it means to follow him. One of the strange (and remarkable claims) he makes is that He is the Gate of the sheep pen. In this message we learn what Jesus is talking about and how it applies to our lives.

Sunday, June 3rd
Blind for the Glory of God (John 9:1-41)
In this passage Jesus & his disciples encounter a man who was blind from birth. The truth is, all of us are blind from birth to the things of God. In this message we learn how Jesus offers all of us new sight.

Sunday, May 27th 
True Freedom (John 8:30-36)
What is freedom? All of us define freedom differently. In this message we learn about true freedom and how we can receive it.

Sunday, May 20th
Soul Diagnosis (John 8:21-29)
In this message we take some time to allow Jesus to diagnose the condition of our souls through His Word.

Sunday, May 13th
The Light of the World (John 8:12-20)
In this message we focus on John 8:12 – Jesus’ remarkable claim to be the Light of the World. What does this actually mean? How does it apply to our lives today?

Sunday, May 6th
Jesus Brings Division (John 7:37-52)
The most divisive person in all of history is Jesus Christ. He brings division into our lives because he gives us a different vision of what the “good life” really is.

Sunday, April 29th
Unmet Expectations (John 7:25-36)
The crowd continues to debate Jesus’ identity. Some come to the conclusion that He is the Messiah but others have real doubts because Jesus has not met their expectations of who the Messiah should be. In the same way, Jesus often does not meet our expectations. When this happens, how should we respond?

Sunday, April 15th
Who Is Jesus (John 7:1-13)
The most important question we will ever answer is, “Who is Jesus?” In this passage, we learn four different responses to Jesus and how they apply to our lives today.

Sunday, March 25th
Jesus’ Most Offensive Sermon (John 6:48-71)
In one sermon Jesus manages to “grow” his church from 15,000 people to 12 by preaching his most offensive sermon. In this message we seek to understand what we can learn from Jesus’ sermon.

Sunday, March 18th
Jesus Saves (John 6:36-47)
The beauty of the Gospel isn’t that we have chosen God but rather than God has chosen us. We need to constantly be reminded that the Gospel is not about what we do or who we are but rather what Jesus has done and who He is.

Sunday, March 11th
Membership in the Church (Acts 2:42-47)
The early church devoted themselves to four things: the apostle’s teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and to prayer. As a church, our vision is to also commit ourselves to these four sacred disciplines.

Sunday, February 18th
The Sermon That Could Get Me Fired (John 6:22-35)
The predominant model for growing a church is rooted in consumerism rather than the Gospel. Rather than offering the “food that perishes” to our world, Renovation Church will offer the bread of life.

Sunday, February 11th
A Hebrew Happy Meal (John 6:1-15)
A crowd of over 15,000 people seek out Jesus because of the miracles they saw him perform. In order to feed the huge crowd of people, Jesus multiplies a few loaves of bread and some fish in the most incredible buffet of history!

Sunday, January 28th
The Season Finale (John 5:31-47)
Jesus has been accused of three crimes and is facing the death penalty. As a response, Jesus calls forward five witnesses that testify the truth about who He is. He then turns the tables and brings charges against his accusers.

Sunday, January 21st
Two Outcomes (John 5:24-30)
Jesus shares with us that there are two outcomes, two resurrections, and two wills for each one of our lives. In each of these options, one of them leads to life while the other one leads to death. The determining factor is how we respond to Jesus.

Sunday, January 14th
Listen, Worship, Live! (John 5:17-23)
Many of us are Christian Atheists. We confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord on Sunday but the rest of the week we live as if God does not exist! In this message from the Gospel of John, we are challenged to actually live out what we believe.

Sunday, November 19th
Do You Want To Get Well (John 5:1-9)
The Gospel promises us a new life. The Gospel focuses on what Jesus has already done in our place in order to reconcile us back to God. In this message, we learn the power of the Gospel through Jesus healing a man who had been disabled for 38 years.

Sunday, November 12th
Counterfeit Faith (John 4:43-54)
Faith that is rooted in what Jesus can do for us will never sustain us. In order for us to have true faith, we must understand WHO Jesus is. He is God in the flesh… the Savior of the world… the Son of God. In this message we learn the difference between real faith and counterfeit faith.

Sunday, October 29th
True Worship (John 4:11-26)
At the root of every sin is actually a worship issue. If you want to overcome sin in your life, it begins with a proper view of God. In this message, we learn how worship should encompass every aspect of our lives and the four characteristics of true worship.

Sunday, October 22nd
Living Water (John 4:1-10) 
Division, hatred, and racism are prevalent in our world. Our goal as a church is to be a church for all people – regardless of politics, religion, or ethnicity. How do we do this? By drinking deeply from the Living Water Jesus offers us.

Angry Jesus (John 2:13-25)
Jesus makes a whip, overturns tables, and chases everyone out of the temple. Why is Jesus so angry and how does this passage apply to our lives today?